School & Community Mentoring Program
School Based Mentoring
School based is site based mentoring which provides adults and high school students an opportunity to be paired with a grade school or middle school student. They meet weekly at the school for 30-45 minutes. School based pairs meet ONLY on school campus and during the school year unless there are special circumstances where the mentor would be encouraged to spend time with their mentee outside of school. Upon this circumstance, parent permission from both the mentor and the mentee would be necessary. After the fulfillment of their year commitment an evaluation is completed with each mentor to determine if they would like to continue mentoring again.
Example: if a HS freshman is paired with a 1st grade student they would potentially meet for 4 years, building a strong relationship over those four years.
Community Mentoring
The YCM staff noticed the need to reach youth on a deeper level. Community mentoring fills a gap to youth ministry by providing a way for an adult, over the age 18, to connect with a youth, ages 5-18, through a one-on-one relationship. Through this relationship our desire is for the mentor and mentee to develop a strong, trusting, discipleship relationship where the mentor will provide support, encouragement and life guidance to their mentee. They are also encouraged to support their mentee to grow deeper in their faith.
Our community mentors are expected to meet with their mentee for at least one hour per week for the duration of one year. At the end of the year we evaluate the mentoring relationship and encourage the pair to continue if both mentor and mentee wish to do so. Community mentoring can become a life-long relationship.